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Tell us a little bit more about your business?
We add a Little Lifestyle And Beauty with our retail shop, 3-minute makeup workshops, nail bar and friendly faces too.
What inspired you to set up your business?
I saw a gap in the market when I came back from the USA where there was nobody teaching quick tips that really worked for everyday people. Plus I wanted to bring the TEMPTU Airpod to the UK market. Airbrushing is the way forward!
What do you think attracts people to starting their own business?
Freedom to create your own business model is a very exciting concept; you choose your product, design, PR, developing a team etc. It is a fantastic achievement, but a lot more work than I ever thought it would be.
What’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced?
Trying to grow last year to a 2-storey retail space and building a strong team has been really hard but also fun!
Do you have a motto or favourite motivational quote?
If you can think it, work it out in your head, then you can do it!
What advice would you give someone looking to take the plunge and start a business?
Work out your personal goals, do you want a lot of free time, lifestyle aims etc. With a small micro company like I have it takes all my time and headspace and that is something you have to be willing to do.
What’s the biggest challenge facing business leaders today?
Retail has changed dramatically, so I think the need to be moving forward all the time is a tough balance for companies. It’s so tough to stick at retail but if you can, you are a real success.
What’s been your biggest achievement to date?
Having a company that has gone past the 3 year mark, we are tiny and have massive aspirations. Also securing the TEMPTU Airpod and it’s just us and NET A PORTER, so is defiantly an achievement.
When you’re not busy running your business, how do you like to spend your down time?
Yoga is great for me to turn off my brain and always makes me feel uplifted. I also love cooking and love making Japanese dishes; I have lots of cookery books that I like to gaze over when drinking an herbal tea/wine to gain inspiration.
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