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JUNE is the first month of Summer – what will you be doing this summer in your business?
In June I have arranged catch up conversations with existing clients and new businesses I have been in contact with since Covid19. These conversation updates will be to discuss sales and social media training for their employees following returning to the office/work.
What are your personal plans for summer activities if you feel happy to share?
I am enjoying returning to swimming again. As well as walks planned for the dogs in different locations and certainly BBQs with friends and family.
June is National Smile Month. With that in mind, what things in your business make you smile?
Are there any things in business generally which make you ‘less smiley’?
Making difficult decisions in business when required.
June is often associated in nature with growth and abundance – what are your plans for growth in your business/organisation/role this year?
My business had developed in the area of online training, where an e-learning sales training course was created. Similar types of online training are in my plans to approach a global audience and different sectors.
Other plans include growing my affiliate program.
As we hit this mid point in 2021 and we’re still coming out of the pandemic – which one business has really supported or helped you over the last quarter?
Nickel Design – Mike Land.
Mike has been supporting my business with brand and designing graphics for it.
Have you got any events planned for the coming months which you’d like to mention – where you and/or your business will take a leading role?
In May, I was a guest speaker on a LinkedIn live show hosted from a business in Washington. I was also a guest trainer at a workshop hosted by a business community. I had been focusing on these events and will be looking to plan others moving forward.
Have you got any summer services or special offers you’d like to mention?
Yes, my ‘Sales Psychology’ sales training programme:
The first three businesses to undergo this training with me personally via zoom will receive a 50% discount. The cost after discount being £35.00.
Quote: TGTSummer2021
And finally:
Stay positive and be productive!
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