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Let's Talk

Your Total Guide To business

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TGtB Meets...Flo Broughton

Queen of chocolate, Flo Broughton chatted to us about building an international confectionery empire. Choc on Choc specialises in unique chocolate gifts, handmade from Belgian Chocolate, right here in Bath.

What inspired you to set up your business in Bath?

I've always loved living in Bath, I was schooled here and went on to study at Bristol University. Since we started the business from home, we ended up staying in the village where I grew up and expanded into bigger premises - my dad doesn’t like to commute you see. 

What are your professional goals?

To create an international brand of chocolate that can be enjoyed on a daily basis. I’m not afraid to try out new ideas and love that I can steer the business in any direction that I like. 

Did anyone try to discourage you from setting up your own business?

Initially both Dad and I had nothing to lose, so most people were fascinated by what we were doing. Around the time I was setting up the business, all of my friends were getting proper jobs - I loved the idea of not going down the conventional route and was very determined to succeed. 

What advice would you give anyone looking to do the same?

If you truly believe in yourself and what you have to offer, then go for it. 

What do you think attracts business people to Bath?

Being a creative person, working in a beautiful place like Bath is very inspiring. 

If you could do it all again, would you do anything differently?

I honestly don't think I'd change much. I’d probably try and listen to the advice of family members more and would have looked to borrow some money when we got to 5 years to grow faster. 

How do you like to spend your time off?

I like to spend my spare time with my children. They're young and at a fun age where they want to be with us...I'm sure a time will come when they don’t and I'll have time to read and catch up on sleep. 

Your phone book must be full of business contacts, but who is the most famous person in there?

Mary Berry. She came to our factory and filmed with us in March 2014. We were featured on her BBC2 show Mary Berry Cooks. 

What has been your biggest achievement to date?

Selling chocolates all over the world , Dubai, Japan, Qatar, Australia ,USA, Europe and of course the UK. It’s so lovely when somebody is away on holiday and sends me a picture saying “look what I just found!

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