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We recommend
Here are a few basic tips to helping you along the way. Most will probably seem pretty obvious, and hopefully, you'll be on the case with them in no time.
Connecting online and offline experiences is the easiest way to increase your social presence. Business cards, signage, posters, vehicles, packaging, website - anywhere your customers interact with your brand is a potential oppurtunity to encourage them to convert into a new follower or a 'like'.
I see plenty of brands dropping a Facebook or Twitter logo onto things, but what is this actually achieving? 1) How do I know what your Twitter handle or Facebook vanity URL is? And 2) what am I gaining from clicking follow/like?
Give the audience as much information as possible to help them find you socially, and explain to them the benefits of them connecting with you.
Create content that encourages your Twitter followers to RT/favorite, and your Facebook connections to like/share. This will ensure that your brand presence is being amplified through as many different networks as possible.
The more proactive your are in regular tweeting/posting, and engaging with other users, the more likely you are to start to increase your network. React in real-time, because ignoring a relationship can destroy it.
There really is no harm in asking your network. Twitter advise businesses to set a goal and ask your followers to help you by RTing the request - this can easily be translated into Facebook too.
Alex Pollock
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