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Support for students receiving their GCSEs

Pupils from across Bath and North East Somerset receiving their GCSE results today are being reassured support is available if they don’t get the grades they expected.

This year’s exams were cancelled due to COVID-19 with teachers instead predicting pupil’s grades based on mock exams and overall performance. 

Councillor Kevin Guy, cabinet member for Children’s Services, said: “It’s been an incredibly difficult year for GCSE students and, since the publication of A Level results last week, they have been under huge stress nervously awaiting their own results. I have nothing but admiration for the way they, their parents and teachers have coped with the situation.

“I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2020 on all their achievements and thank them for the sacrifices they have made over the past few months. Not only were they denied the chance to sit their final school exams, many missed out on what is seen as a rite of passage; the last day of school, the final school photo and school leavers celebrations.

For those whose results aren’t what they expected. Please don’t panic, talk to your teachers. Be reassured there are lots of options available to you, talk them through with your school or college and make use of advice and support services.”

Students who haven’t received the grades they expected can:

Sit GCSE exams this autumn – students have the option to sit the GCSE exams they should have taken this summer in November.  Students should speak to their school, college or education setting.

Appeal the results – if students think that the correct processes haven't been followed leading up to their official GCSE results, they can appeal. Students should discuss this with the teachers.

The National Careers Service is offering a range of support:

The Exam Results Helpline 0800 100 900 is open daily from 8am to 10pm until August 28 and can provide information on appeals, complaints, or what your next steps may be once you’ve received your results.

For information and guidance to help you make decisions on learning training and work visit

With school leavers missing out on the opportunity to visit careers fairs in person this year, the National Careers Service is holding its free Options at 16 virtual careers fair on Tuesday 25 August  To book visit:

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