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The council’s recovery and renewal programme being developed in response to the COVID-19 crisis has a green renewal at its heart.
The webinar on July 13 at 5pm will discuss the action the council needs to take to tackle the climate and nature emergency and the recovery opportunities this will create for Bath and North East Somerset’s economy and communities.
The event builds on a series of ‘climate conversations’ held this spring by Councillor Sarah Warren, cabinet member for Climate Emergency, with community members involved in green activities and businesses.
The conversations looked in detail at a range of climate and carbon issues with six guests including More Trees for B&NES, The Share and Repair shop and Chew Magna’s community farm, with the aim of keeping focussed on the drive for B&NES to become carbon neutral by 2030. The conversations can be viewed here
Council leader, Councillor Dine Romero, will chair the webinar on Zoom and people can register in advance here
Councillor Sarah Warren said: “A green renewal is fundamental to how our communities and our economy will recover from COVID-19. We have to find ways to reduce our carbon impact at a local level and find more sustainable ways of living in order to reach our carbon neutral goal in ten years’ time.
“At the webinar I’ll be picking up on the conversations I had earlier this year with members of our community already taking action, which allowed me to dig into the detail on a wide variety of climate and carbon issues. There are many people directly and positively helping us tackle the climate and nature emergency across the district, and this event will be a chance for us see how these activities and more, support the district’s renewal programme.”
Anyone registering for the webinar will receive a confirmation email and will then be able to submit questions in advance.
The webinar will also be streamed and saved on the Council’s You Tube channel
Visit the council’s Climate Emergency webpage
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