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It has the whole world on edge, so we have come up with 8 practical steps to keep your coronavirus-related anxiety under control and to stay positive and optimistic.
1. Don’t Panic, be alert!
Remember panicking can spread faster than the virus itself! The disease causes no symptoms or is only mild in the majority of the cases with the vast amount of those infected making a full recovery. You can minimise your risk of catching it through frequent hand-washing and social distancing.
2. Stay Home
Self-isolation seems brutal when you aren’t sick, but in the long run, it really is for the greater good as the country faces a major health crisis. The government advice is that if you can work from home, then do so. Keep your body as healthy as possible by eating well, exercising and getting enough sleep!
3. Help protect the elderly
Keep in mind that the virus isn’t solely fatal to the old and those with weakened immune systems. But those who are vulnerable such as these groups need more protection so make sure to check in regularly with those affected and help them with their coronavirus anxiety and loneliness.
4. Don’t believe everything you read
When faced with a problem such as Coronavirus, our instinctive reaction is to find out as much information about it as possible. And whilst this can be incredibly useful, there are also some big pitfalls.
Unfortunately with every accurate piece of news, there is most likely an incorrect piece of news as well, so make sure you're thinking about whether the content you’re actually reading sounds correct. Social media is full of fake information so don’t believe everything you read and only trust official media outlets - like us!
5. Stay in Touch with people
Many of us may be spending more time locked away in our houses, but don’t let this horrible virus stop you communicating with the outside world. There are many ways to stay in touch with friends, family and work colleagues, via phone calls, video chats, texting, and emails. Reaching out can help you and others to combat loneliness during this tough time.
6. Reach out for help
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to a health worker or counsellor that can help you deal with coronavirus anxiety. Have a plan of action for where to go and how to seek help for physical and mental health needs if required.
7. Remember this won’t last forever
We are so lucky in this day in age to have modern science that is so well developed in every corner of the globe. With the World’s top scientists working around the clock, there are preliminary works on vaccines, treatments, epidemiology, Diagnosis, and more. We have never been better and more prepared to fight a pandemic like this and just remember that this won’t last forever.
8. Work together not against each other
The biggest part of this is keeping yourself healthy by eating well and not drastically changing your lifestyle. Remember we are all stuck in the same situation, so take time to be kind to others and communicate your issues with those closest to you.
Remember: We will get through this together!
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