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How To Get Over A Breakup
Ending a relationship is never easy, no matter how long it lasted. It is good to take some time for yourself after getting out of a relationship, to heal and work on yourself.
Why do breakups hurt so much?
A breakup can hurt emotionally, physically, and psychologically. The body goes into ‘fight or flight’ mode, especially if this break-up appears to be unexpected. They can alter your daily routine, and stir up feelings of rejection and heartbreak, after all you are losing someone who was once your best friend. The good news is, that this pain will not last forever, and you will come out of this stronger and more certain of the attributes and qualities you would like to find in your next partner.
Tips to get over a breakup:
Keep busy
Keeping busy will help to distract you from your heartbreak. Whether this is working extra hours, meeting family and friends, or enjoying a new book – it is important to get up and keep moving. Life goes on and although it may be difficult at first, keeping busy will help you start to rationalise the situation and keep improving on yourself.
0 contact rule
This can seem impossible at first – but I promise over time it really does get easier. If you can go one day without speaking to them, you can go for one week. Keep pushing yourself, after all, they are part of the past now.
Surround yourself with friends
Surround yourself with friends who care about you, and support you. Whether this be going out for drinks or simply watching a movie at home on a Sunday when you are lonely, it can help take away some of the stress of feeling as though you are now on your own.
Meet new people
Why not try and meet new people? This doesn’t necessarily have to be anything super serious – you don’t need to start going on dates, but why not head out to a local bar with your friends and chat with some new people. Not only will this distract you and make you feel better, but it will also show you how many other new people are out there!
Seek therapy
Depending on how low you feel and what events happened within the relationship, seeking therapy and counselling may be a good option for you if you don’t feel as though any other steps are working.
Do things that make you feel confident
Why not treat yourself to some sexy new lingerie or buy that gorgeous new dress you have had your eye on? Do something that makes you feel confident and like yourself, and remember how special and beautiful you are!
Go outside
Getting outside and doing some exercise can significantly improve your mental health. It can help to reduce depression and anxiety and improve your cognitive function. This doesn’t have to be anything crazy like running a marathon, but aiming for a 30 minute walk every day is a good place to start to keep you active.
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