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Swift Services
Swift Services provide Cleaning, Gardening & Property Maintenance Services across Swindon, Bath, Yate, Newbury & Thatcham.
Website Email 07985 391922With the current circumstances of the Coronavirus outbreak, the world has gone into lockdown, apart from those who are classed as key workers. This refers to those people working in shops, the NHS and on the frontline who need to carry on working in order for this outbreak to be contained and for people to be able to survive. Swift services are now providing face shields for you to buy, which are fully protective visors to reduce the risk of any hazard contacting your face.
A face shield, an item of personal protective equipment, aims to protect the wearers entire face from hazards such as objects, chemical splashes or potentially infectious diseases, especially in this case.
This specific face shield includes:
Swift services recommend that this full face visor can be used for the general public when going out for their essential trips out of the house like going to the shops for food and water, the hospital or doctors for medical appointments or for their 1 form of exercise a day.
They also recommend that it can also be used for those working in the NHS, frontline workers and other essential key workers. For example, those working in shops, as they are sold in packs of 24, it would be brilliant for all workers to wear one to limit the amount of contact with those who are coming into the shops and other workers.
NHS and frontline workers are in desperate need of PPE at the moment, so even buying these in bulk for your local hospitals, for that added protection while they wait to recieve professional equipment from the governement, is a fantastic resource.
Sold in Packs of 24 - £72.00 + £7.95 postage (Note: 4/5 day delivery)
If you would like to purchase one of these or find out more about them, email them at [email protected]
Swift Services provide Cleaning, Gardening & Property Maintenance Services across Swindon, Bath, Yate, Newbury & Thatcham.
Website Email 07985 391922In case you missed it see what’s in this section