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What is your earliest rugby memory?
My first memory of playing rugby was for the under 11's at my school, St Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst. I remember running out in shorts, and a rugby jersey in freezing cold weather, knee deep in mud, and all under the watchful eye of our teacher, Mr.Webster, (who was an inspiration). Great memories!
I also remember watching the 5 Nations Championship in the early 90's ..
What have been the lowest and highest points in your career?
Playing wise would have to have been the Lions tour to Australia in 2001. I was very disappointed not to have performed better on our tour, especially having played well in the 6 Nations beforehand. After that, I had a 3 or 4 year period where I picked up lots of injuries and tried to rush back into playing as quickly as possible - which had a negative effect on my performance and in turn caused further injuries.
The highest point was winning the Rugby World Cup with England in 2003. Everyone dreams of achieving this in their chosen sport and to be part of a team that actually did it is more than a dream come true. Also, being selected to take part in the 2001 and 2005 Lions’ tours to Australia and New Zealand.
Who do you cite as your sporting idol?
Rugby wise it would be Christian Cullen. He mesmerised me with his counter attacking abilities and his 'anything is possible' playing style.
What was it that inspired you to play rugby?
At school I loved all sports, and I was very good at tennis, cricket and rugby, but at 16 I had to make a decision on which sport I really wanted to continue with professionally - and that was rugby.
What would your team mates say your best qualities were?
Ha, you are probably better off asking them!
What is your most treasured possession?
In rugby terms, it is my World Cup 2003 Winners Medal and my England & British/Irish Lions Caps.
Outside of rugby it is my Dad's St Christopher's chain & wedding ring which he left to me after he passed away.
Now that you are retired, how do you fill your time?
My wife will tell you that I get under her feet, and she tries to kick me out of the house at any given opportunity!
I am having a couple of months off over the summer; to relax and spend time with my family.
I’ve started playing tennis again, (knee permitting), which I’m really enjoying. I am also trying to master the board game Backgammon (no such luck!), and of course working on our fanzine website. When the summer ends, and the rugby season starts, I’m hoping to help out a few clubs here in France and also with my sons U10 team.
What's the best bit of advice you've ever received?
When I first arrived at Bath, Andy Robinson was head coach. He sat me down and told me that I had the freedom to go wherever I wanted to on the field, and that I had to go with my initial gut instinct. Even though it may not always be the right decision, more often than not, you will have a positive outcome as long as you do it with a 100% conviction. He was so right!
You must have a pretty strict diet and fitness regime, what’s your food weakness?
Chocolate, chocolate... chocolate! I would love to have won one of Willy Wonkers golden tickets!
What advice would you give to young, aspiring rugby players?
What I tell my 8 year old son Felix is; to go out and have fun, believe in yourself; give it 100% and then anything is possible. I believe no one can ask more of you than that!
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