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Top 10 Student Tips for Passing your Theory
One of the first but ever defying obstacles when you are learning to drive is your Theory Test. Some people pass first time and some not until their tenth attempt.
Passing your theory is actually one of the most stress free things you'll ever have to do when driving and here are some tips on how to drive smoothly through the Exam.
1. Prepare
First of all you need to find the right revision material, if you don’t revise by using books then don’t go and buy one, there are plenty of alternatives such as computer programs and various websites.
2. Ask
Next always ask someone if you are unsure of something, ask your instructor, your parents anyone who has passed their test already.
3. Practise
Do as many practice tests you can, before my exam I completed around 20 practice tests and if you use a different one each time you cover most of the questions that could possible come up.
4. Use Apps
If you have a smart phone get some of the various revision apps on your phone, doing tests on the move always helps.
5. Test Yourself
Quiz yourself at every opportunity, when you’re walking down the road with your friends or in the car with your family, if you see a sign or road marking ask yourself what does it mean then check if you were right when you can.
6. Revise
For the Hazard perception test you can purchase software on your computer that simulates it just like the exam. This was the best way you can revise for this.
7. Keep an Eye Out
If you don’t have a computer always being aware when you are out in a car or on the bus etc helps. If you are watching your surroundings all the time and try to predict things before they happen then you will start to see hazards appear in front of your eyes.
8. Be Organised
Be prepared, know the time you have to be there, be early and organise your stuff to go the night before so you don’t have to waste time finding it in the morning.
9. Relax
Keep calm; there is no reason if you have followed the following tips that you should be even remotely worried about your exam. You would have made the best preparation you can.
10. Remember
Don’t give up, don’t be lazy and if you fail try and try again.
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