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Top 5 TRX Exercises for Obstacle Course Races

Taking on Tough Mudder? Wicked Fitness reveal their Top 5 TRX Exercises for Obstacle Course Races.

Pull, Jump, Crawl and Run all in the same events can be hard work, TRX Training can help get all your muscles working together so the obstacles get more fun and less painful.

Tough Mudders, Spartan Races, Tough Guy and many more Obstacle Course Races are getting huge followings and attention at the moment. With the love of mud, sweat and adrenaline the population is going crazy for the well organised and supported events. TRX Training Senior Master Trainer Matt Gleed takes us through the Top 5 TRX tips to help you make the obstacles a challenge not a stopping point by increasing fitness, power and strength.

Sprinter Start

  • Stand facing away from the anchor, place straps under arms, bring handles to both sides of chest and keep bodyweight on handles.
  • Walk back to 45 degree angle, centre working leg to anchor point, dropping opposite leg down into lunge.
  • Drive back leg forward and up toward chest, coming up on the ball of the foot.

Strap Adjustment: Long

Common Fault: Supporting weight with arms.

Fix: Keep core engaged and weight on handles.

Common Fault: Placing too much weight to back leg.

Fix: Keep weight in stationary leg.

Single Arm Bicep Curl

  • Stand facing sideways to the anchor, with the handles in single arm mode holding them with one arm. Elbow bent and fist to ear.
  • Keeping the feet still, lean down away from the anchor until the arm is extended.
  • Pull back to start position.

Strap Adjustment: Medium

Common Fault: Dropping elbows.

Fix: Keep elbows raised to shoulder height and parallel.

Common Fault: Back leg straight.

Fix: Drop back knee.


  • Kneel facing away from the anchor with both feet in the foot cradles and align hands under shoulders.
  • Lift knees off ground, keeping legs straight, raise hips toward the ceiling.
  • Maintain alignment at fully extended start position.

Strap Adjustment: Mid-calf

Common Fault: Hips drop towards the floor.

Fix: Keep body straight and chest lifted.

Common Fault: Bending knees.

Fix: Keep legs straight and draw belly button to spine.


  • Facing away from the anchor, place one foot into the cradles then stand upright.
  • In one fluid movement pop down to the floor into a press up, extending the suspended leg out (not touching the floor), then pop back up again and repeat.
  • Add a hop in at the end of the movement to increase the difficultly.

Strap Adjustment: Mid-calf

Common Fault: Lose balance.

Fix: Maintain core, look at a fixed point and find a rhythm.

Atomic Push-Ups

  • Kneel facing away from the anchor with both feet in the foot cradles and align hands under shoulders.
  • Lift knees off ground, keeping legs straight, raise hips toward the ceiling.
  • Lower your body into a press up position, then pull the knees into a crunch position before extending back to the start position.

Strap Adjustment: Mid-calf

Common Fault: Hips drop towards the floor.

Fix: Keep body straight and chest lifted.

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