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Think you know Bath? You’ll need to know Bath pretty well to spot all the locations that Sarah has captured for us on her lockdown walks.
Walking is a great way to see a city, even if you are born and raised somewhere, as Sarah herself admits, she’s a true Bathonian, but she is always spotting new places, place names, buildings or views.
Walking is also accessible and suitable for most and a great form of gentle exercise although with Bath’s famously steep hills, never very far away, increasing the heart rate is just as easy! Just add a pair of trainers or wakling shoes to make walking an affordable form of exercise you can slot in-to any time of the day.
The experts tell us that walking increases our cardiovascular and pulmonary fitness, reduces our risk of heart disease, improves our balance, gives you stronger bones, decreases the blood pressure, high cholesterol and joint and muscular pains as well boosting your immune function and energy levels. That’s a lot of benefits and the good news is that you only need 30 minutes a day at an average pace to benefit!
Add to these physical benefits, the mental health benefits associated with even th mildest form of exercise. Walking can help your mental health by reducing anxiety, depression and stress levels. As well as giving you a change of scenery, something much needed during our lockdown and perfect for our daily exercise allowance.
It is also widely believed that walking can help with your creative thinking so if you’re stuck in a rut, let the great outdoors inspire you!
Our little Bath guessing game is just one way of having some fun with our daily walks. Do share your walking finds with us.
Watch out for more daily teasers on our Instagram stories.
Answers below; no cheating!! (also no prizes, just for fun.)
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